Diesel Engines and Diesel Tanks
Engine Type: In Line 4 Stroke Cycle.
Cooling System: Water Cool
Rated Power: From 15 HP to 588 HP at the speed of 1400, 1600, 1800, 2800, 2900, 3000 and 1400-1800, 2800-3000 RPM (Refer individual ratings for RPM)
Number of Cylinders: 3, 4, 6 and 12 Cylinders
Aspiration: Naturally Aspirated and Turbo Charger
Rotation: Counter Clock Wise (Fronting Fly Wheel)
Disposable dry type air filter
Able to reach the power within 20 sec of starting of the engine
Flexible hose supply and return fuel connections
Spin-on type fuel and oil filter
Inline type, gear driven fuel injection system
High capacity automatic engine water heater to keep engine warm in the cold conditions
Water to water, shell and tube type heat exchanger

Instrumentation panel evaluates as per UL50E and meeting NEMA TYPE-2 requirements.
Electronic over speed control with reset and test functions
Energized to stop type solenoid
High torque starters
Adjustable speed control
Water cooling loop
Scientifics Engines are UL/FM approved. Please contact our sales team for each individual engine certification.
Scientifics Engines listed for speed range can be provide as listed/approved at any RPM between the ranges with a rated HP derived from liner interpolation.

Listed diesel tanks are assembled and tested to requirements as follows:
*ANSI/UL-142 – Compliant.
* Installation standard compliance to NFPA 30, NFPA30A and NFPA 31
Primary Containments Tanks
Horizontal cylinder construction (Capacity Up to 75000 Gallons)
Vertical cylinder construction (Capacity Up to 60000 Gallons)
Rectangular construction (Capacity Up to 550 Gallons)
Secondary Containments Tanks
Horizontal cylinder construction (Capacity Up to 75000 Gallons)
Vertical cylinder construction (Capacity Up to 60000 Gallons)